Do you have any more questions? We have compiled a list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ).

General questions
What are the advantages of there for you?
The there for you team wants to facilitate and implement. It is important for us to seize every possible opportunity and to realise projects together with the project initiators and donors. We are passionate about what we do and are committed to finding the best solutions possible.
We offer access to mobile & digital generations – and thus to the donors of tomorrow. With the there-for-you.com donation platform and small-scale commitment, we offer the means to make a real difference. The digital platform allows us to be the multiplicator (for companies, interested parties, media partners, prominent figures, supporters) to achieve the best possible effect.
We and our project partners are transparent, and thanks to the established criteria and communicated measures all donors know at all times how and where their money is being used. Thanks to targeted updates and information, donors are able to identify with the project and make a difference.
We protect the environment since we do without paper and postage, helping to reduce our environmental footprint.
Are checks carried out for all non-profit & project organisations that are on there-for-you.com?
All organisations that activate their donation purpose on there for you or enter into a partnership are checked by us. Before an organisation is admitted, it must have a specific project implementation schedule and the project must achieve a demonstrable impact. Only projects are activated that make a difference in the three areas of child aid, climate protection and animal welfare. The organisations have a duty of disclosure towards there for you and must always act in a manner that is transparent and meaningful.
A wide range of data is requested and checked by us during the project registration process. Furthermore, we are in personal contact with each and every organisation. Accordingly, all admissions are processed on a case-by-case basis and subject to individual decision. We are non-party and non-denominational.
Preferential tax treatment, a Spendengütesiegel (seal of quality for donations) or other labels are not prerequisites for acceptance. During registration, however, enquiries are made into these so that donors can be informed accordingly.
Am I anonymous on there for you?
For each individual donation you can choose how you want to appear on the respective project page under “supporter”. Either your full name and the amount of your donation will be visible or the term “anonymous” and the amount of your donation will be displayed.
Some of your data will be passed on to the initiators, but they are also obliged to treat it confidentially.
By entering more comprehensive details about yourself you have the advantage that you can keep track of your donation activity and selected projects at all times in an overview when you log in. This means that you automatically become part of your donor community.
The merge with I care for you
The platform I care for you closed down, but there is still a place for the project initiators and the loyal donation community: here, at there for you.
We are happy about the trust of I care for you and want to continue their great work.
If you have any questions or suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact us at info@there-for-you.com.

Assistance for project initiators
Who can put a project on there for you?
Before an organisation is admitted, it must have a specific project implementation schedule and the project must achieve a demonstrable impact. Initiators can be an aid organisation, company, individual or also a group. Only projects are activated that make a difference in the three areas of child aid, climate protection and animal welfare; in the category “Social and Humanitarian”, only projects with the following focus will be published:
- Projects that provide emergency aid to a society or a section of society in emergency situations.
- Projects that serve the common good and have a benefit for the general public
- Projects that have a multiplier effect
In individual cases, projects that fall outside of these criteria can be given a “green card” for publication (examination and decision lies with the there-for-you foundation).
What demands are made on the project initiators?
The organisations have a duty of disclosure towards there for you and must always act in a manner that is transparent and meaningful. A wide range of data is requested and checked by us during the project registration process. Furthermore, we are in personal contact with each and every organisation. Accordingly, all admissions are processed on a case-by-case basis and subject to individual decision. We are non-party and non-denominational. Preferential tax treatment, a Spendengütesiegel (seal of quality for donations) or other labels are not prerequisites for acceptance. During registration, however, enquires are made into these so that donors can be informed accordingly. More detailed instructions can be found in the guide to the project launch.
It is also mandatory to publish a project video. The purpose of the video is tell viewers more about the project initiators, the idea and the concept. The video can be self-directed as outlined in the instructions or realised in collaboration with the platform partner Yoveo.ch. The video should be between 60 and 120 seconds long.
Once the donation target has been reached and the duration of the project has finished, there for you will collect and transfer any donations. Once all donations have been received, the initiators are required to post an update on the platform every two months to keep donors up to date on the progress of the project. Within a year, a video must be uploaded to there for you to show donors how their money has been used and how they were able to contribute to the success of the project. There must be regular updates prior to posting the video.
If it is not possible to all implement all the points specified in the request plan, there for you reserves the right to decline acceptance of the project or to deactivate it.
Do the project partners incur any platform costs?
Project partners do not pay any registration fees or basic charges. Only when donations are received is a deduction made for the charges levied by the payment provider for these donations, along with a small service fee. The project partner will receive 90% of the donations received if the donation target is achieved within the project duration and the donations are collected.
Usage therefore does not pose any cost risk and is thus also possible for smaller partner organisations.
Which areas can projects be from?
Only projects can be activated on the there for you platform that are primarily geared towards assistance and support for the topics of animal welfare, child aid, climate protection and social and humanitarian.
How do I post a project on there for you?
On the main platform there for you and the topic pages there-for-animals.com, there-for-children.com and there-for-climate.com, click on the “Start your project” button and you will then be redirected to the input screen.
As soon as you have entered the information, we can check your project and contact you personally. If all requirements are met, we will activate the project on the platform.
What support can the there for you team offer me when setting up the project?
Project initiators are given personal support and advice by our team when setting up the project and during the whole process. The team will also be happy to advise you in selecting the target amount or give you tips on activating the project. You can submit your questions or comments at the end of the activation process using the form or contact us directly at info@there-for-you.com.
If you need professional support with individual topics, we will be happy to refer you to one of our partner firms which offer the corresponding services in professional quality and at fair partner prices. The there for you team offers targeted support in the field of drafting texts, reviewing texts, drawing up concepts (implementation, finances, communication) and reporting (post-processing, etc.). You can find out more here.
How is the donor community made aware of my project?
there for you has set itself the goal of becoming – through its communication measures – the most well-known and effective donation platform (child aid, animal welfare, climate protection, humanitarian) in Switzerland, and later also internationally. Projects in the area of animal welfare, nature conservation and climate protection always strike a strong emotional chord. The communication strategy takes targeted advantage of the emotions that are tied up with animals, people and climate issues. Authentic, honest storytelling that is visible and verifiable is at the heart of all classical and creative communication elements. Not to provide a sensation, but to impart knowledge.
The initiatives on there for you cannot be taken for granted. You, too, are called up to launch your project on all channels and to mobilise your community (friends, family, business). Every possible multiplicator takes us one step closer to the goal.
Is money also paid out even if the project does not secure 100% funding?
No. If the target amount has not been reached within the specified time, donations are not collected from donors. The there-for-you foundation can also donate to the projects that are just short of achieving their target. This is decided by the board of the there-for-you foundation.
What happens if a project achieves its funding target ahead of schedule?
If a project achieves its funding target before the deadline set, this will continue to run until the effective project end. Donors can therefore continue to financially support the project even if it has already exceeded the financial target set. It goes without out saying that the full amount is disbursed to the project – and thus should have an ever greater impact.

Assistance for donors
How do I support a project?
Thank you for your interest in supporting a there for you project. Because together we can help to make the world a better place. On our homepage you can decide whether you would like to support projects in the field of animal welfare, climate protection or child aid. When you then starting taking a closer look through the various individual projects, you’re sure to find a project that speaks to you and will be grateful of your donation. Select it, decide how much you would like to donate and click on “Donate”. Afterwards you will be guided through the donation process.
First your personal data will be collected in addition to the amount donated, then you’ll receive an e-mail to confirm your donation request. If the project reaches the target amount within the project duration, you’ll receive another e-mail with a link to finally complete the donation. So you only donate if the project actually materialises.
How much does the selected project receive of my support?
All projects that are activated on www.there-for-you.com receive all-round mentoring from us. We provide the projects with professional and personalised service. We also support the project with tips and advice so that it culminates in success and can be implemented effectively.
We levy a charge of 10 percent of the total amount to cover all administrative expenses and services, including credit card fees. 90 percent of the donations collected thus flow directly to the successfully funded project.
How do I pay at there for you?
You can pledge your support conveniently and securely by credit card (Visa and Mastercard), Paypal, through other payment providers or using a paying-in slip. Once you’ve decided on the project and the amount of your donation, you’ll be guided through the donation process.
How can I be sure that the money I give goes to the right place and is used for a serious purpose?
All projects on there for you go through a rigorous vetting process.
A wide range of data is requested and checked by us during the project registration process. Furthermore, we are in personal contact with each and every organisation. Accordingly, all admissions are processed on a case-by-case basis and subject to individual assessment and decision.
Project initiators are required to upload an implementation video to the platform within the space of one year. In the meantime, an interim report must be published every two months under Update.
What happens if the target amount is not reached?
If a project cannot reach the target amount within the defined time frame, donations will not be collected and the project will not receive any money. Your donation request for the project will lapse and you won’t make a donation to it. However, the there-for-you foundation aims to donate funds to projects which are close to meeting their targets so that can come to fruition. The foundation board decides on whether to donate.

Assistance for partners
How do I become a partner of there for you?
We’re looking for partners who want to collaborate with us and realise projects with shared goals and values. This can take the form of partnerships with NGOs, companies, family businesses, and players from the tourism and environmental sectors. Thanks to there for you, established players are collaborating to achieve shared goals. Interested parties can sign up using the contact form.
What advantages does being a partner offer?
Being a there for you partner brings with it benefits on multiple levels:
- Increased attention and ramped-up presence
- Listing on the partner page in general and according to focal topic
- Your own partner page
- Preferred projects
- Projects initiated by partners are activated on the project pages (there-for-animals.com / there-for-climate.com / there-for-children.com) under recommended projects and included in an image slider.
Can multiple partners collaborate on the same focal topic?
there for you is a neutral platform. Donors want the widest possible selection of projects and topics. So they can browse at their leisure and make a choice at their discretion. To that end, there for you wants various NGOs, companies, projects, initiatives and possible solutions on the neutral platform.

Assistance for businesses
How can my company make a sustainable commitment to a better world?
The focus is on conscious action at the workplace. Profit-oriented companies can make an effective, far-sighted and targeted commitment to the environment, surroundings and future impact. Today, it is not about unconditional growth, but about prosperity and prosperity on a high quality level. To achieve this, every company needs a binding impact portfolio. Projects and initiatives that are close to the business activities and have an impact beyond the company itself.
We have a sustainable business project that can make the world a better place. Can I use there-for-you.com to find donations?
Thanks to their know-how and the corresponding network, many companies have the opportunity to change the world in a sustainable way by inventing or improving existing situations. Through the there for you platform, anyone and everyone can support such company projects and make their contribution to a better world. To be able to place a company project on the platform, it must always be related to the four focus topics (children’s aid, animal welfare, climate protection, and humanitarian).
As an experienced leader, is it possible to get involved in other ways?
A personal rucksack of project and management experience often leads from the operative to the strategic level of the board of directors in the next step. there for you now offers the exciting alternative with which executives can use their acquired strengths and abilities, as well as their own exciting network, in a meaningful and effective way.
This with a targeted project support in the area of animal, climate, child protection, and humanitarian. You can find further information here.