DAM10 AG represents the founders who launched the crowd-donation platform there-for-you.com to support animal welfare projects as well as sustainability, social and humanitarian projects.
We believe that responsibility for the environment and society is crucial to the sustainable development of major “global issues”. We strive to take social and ecological concerns into consideration in all aspects of our work – especially in our daily activities and within our projects. The idea was born out of the Arosa Bear Sanctuary. The three initiators of there-for-you.com were the driving forces behind the initiation, planning and implementation of this unique animal welfare project from the very beginning. The Arosa Bear Sanctuary changed them in many ways and inspired them to start a private project in their spare time. They wanted to help make the world a little “better” in the area of animal welfare and in other areas too.
This private project idea evolved into a crowd-donation platform for projects, donations and cooperation. Projects in the areas of animal welfare, nature conservation and climate protection, as well as social and humanitarian projects, are supported on this platform. With the umbrella brand there-for-you.com, the first step is implementation in Switzerland. Though international initiatives are also possible at any time. With the sub-brands of there-for-you.com, namely there-for-animals.com, there-for-children.com and there-for-climate.com, the platform mainly establishes assistance and support for topics in the areas of “animal welfare”, “child aid” and “climate protection”.
The there-for-you.com offering includes classic crowd-donation projects with predefined time and donation targets, direct-donation projects set up by partners (e.g. large aid organisations) with no specified time and donation targets, as well as consulting services for projects and companies. The latter are offered to assist with the launch, establishment and fulfilment of projects and also for conscious expansion of company activities in collaborations, sponsorship, research and development, and society.
there-for-you.com also uses slightly different approaches, such as its own SOS radar team to identify affected people and partners for current events, leader know-how integration (where leaders are integrated who have diverse project experiences) and close collaboration with NGOs to improve the world together.
Our core statements are as follows:
- It’s all about people and personality.
- We are committed to making a difference.
- Every day we have agreements, training, work and implemented projects to show for our efforts.
- For people, animals and climate.
- We make deeds visible.
- We make successes known.
- We create awareness among the population.